
My name is Ace Eddleman, and over the course of my 15 year career, I’ve personally been responsible for generating eight figures in revenue.

I’ve come to realize that, when it comes to making money online, traffic rules everything around me. So despite a colorful background that includes options trading, software engineering and some diversions in various sub-fields of sales and marketing, I dedicated myself entirely to mastering online traffic.

To that end, I founded Revenue Elite, where I work with the absolute best minds in media buying, SEO and cold email. If you have an online business that needs to scale up their traffic, you’ve come to the right place.


In addition to my business career, I’ve also written a few books:

Valuation Games: How we use deceptive valuation strategies to compete over the to control resources.

Strategic Complexity: An exploration of how to solve complex problems in chaotic environments.

The AI Survival Guide: A guide for people who don’t want to be automated out of an income in the future.

The Learning Factory, Memory Fundamentals & Frequently Asked Questions About Learning & Memory: Three books I wrote about how your memory works, how it interacts with the learning process, and a method I use to remember more of what I take in.

Learn More About Me

You can learn more about me at AceEddleman.com or my writing portal, 52 Aces.